Jim Henkelman-Bahn

Jim Henkelman-Bahn is a principal in Bahn Henkelman Consultants. He practices as an independent consultant in organization development, leadership development and diversity management. Much of his work in recent years has been in developing countries working through United Nations agencies. While his practice includes both the non-profit as well as for-profit organizations and agencies, more focus has been with non-profit organizations including educational and faith-based organizations.

Jim has his doctorate from Harvard University and a Master's Degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences from Whitworth College . During his career on the faculty of the University of Maryland College Park , he initiated and directed an experiential doctoral program in Human Resource Development. He is currently an Emeritus Associate Professor in the College of Education at the University of Maryland . He has also been a member of the faculty of the Cleveland State University Master's Degree, Diversity Management Program, offered in collaboration with the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. He is a member of the NTL Institute and the OD Network.

Recently Jim has worked with a new non-profit organization in his community of Silver Spring , Maryland , to develop leadership for diverse grassroots existing and potential leaders. The organization, IMPACT Silver Spring , envisions a community of empowered peoples where all have a full voice in this demographically changing inner suburb of Washington , DC.

Email: jhenkelmanbahn@ntl.org